I recently conducted two back-to-back webinars, same subject, and same content but offered on different days/times to accommodate the listener’s schedules. A webinar (short for web-based seminar) is a live meeting that takes place over the web. The meeting can be a presentation, discussion, demonstration, or instructional session. Participants can view documents and applications via their computers, […]
Beeline for Business…Lucky Duck!
This blog is going old school; I’m talking about throwback, to high school. I enjoyed high school. Raised in a rural area, the student body was just over 1,000 people so our world at that time was small. The school colors are green and gold and our mascot was the Hawk. As I mentioned, my […]
Merriam-Webster.com defines a myth (noun) as an idea or story that is believed by many people but that is not true. Military Spouses, Don’t fall prey to age-old fables about employment in relation to your military lifestyle. Don’t let yesterday’s yarns and beleaguered beliefs hold you back! No more tall tales! Let the truth be […]
“I’ll get my ____ to help me.” Fill in the blank, friend, neighbor, cousin… How many times as a small business owner have you sought out a helping hand by someone in your family, maybe someone in your neighborhood or perhaps a trusted friend to lend support to a special project or a longer assignment? […]
“The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” –Robert Burns, Scottish poet and lyricist (adapted), 25 January 1759 – 21 July 1796. If you recall, Uncle Sam said it was time to move this summer and so we did. This Permanent Change of Station (PCS) came with a few months’ time for […]
By now you may have noticed I like bees; worker bees in particular, bee-cause I am one! You may also know by now I like to shop local at farmer’s markets or patronize another small businesses because I am one (small business)! Just before Christmas my cousin, Michael, tagged me on a Facebook post raving over […]
A Virtual Assistant (VA) is an Independent Contractor. As a small business owner you might think, “the VA is ‘employed’ by me.” You may think, “but I ‘hired’ my VA.” Terminology may be loosely used but following the letter of the law regarding Independent Contractors is key. What’s the difference? The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) […]
Beeline for Business…Set a Goal: Delegate
There’s not enough time in the day! I am missing deadlines! I would like to communicate more with customers online! I need to do more follow up! I crave more “me” time! Small Business Owner, are you setting goals for the New Year? Improve time-management Get organized Make stronger connections Get healthier Add a team […]
Holiday help? Does your business need a little extra help in the office around the holidays? A Virtual Assistant (VA) has the ability to support your event(s) without disruption to your already bustling back-office by handling communications such as electronic newsletters, creating online events or social media posts; tracking RSVP’s; keeping you, the small business […]