On any given day a VA (Virtual Assistant) may perform work for two or more different clients. That’s one reason I love what I do. I enjoy working with multiple dynamic business owners who are experts in their field. My last blog, “It Takes A Village” talked about the importance of having a network of […]
Beeline for Business… It Takes a Village
Even if you’re a solopreneur in business you don’t have to go it alone. Build a resource team to call upon as the need arises. Connect with a mentor through a professional association or source such as SCORE to seek advice and guidance on strategic planning and operations. The SCORE site at http://www.score.org offers a […]
Beeline for Business… Out with the old, in with the new. Maybe not.
Turning the calendar to January everyone talks about what’s new, what will I do that’s new, making New Year resolutions. Let’s talk about something that’s tried and true: your company’s best practices. Investopedia.com defines best practices as: a set of guidelines, ethics or ideas that represent the most efficient or prudent course of action. Large […]
Beeline for Business… Can You See the Forest?
“To accomplish great things we must first dream, then visualize, then plan… believe… act! Alfred A. Montapert As a small business owner, does this quote resonate with you? You, the entrepreneur, are the original visionary for your business. Keep your business vision in mind while you are implementing your business plan, executing strategies to […]
December is known as the “season of giving.” Does your business participate in community service or support a charitable organization? If so, is it a cause that resonates with you on a personal level or one that aligns with your business or maybe both? You and/or your staff may want to lend your talents, time […]
Beeline for Business: Corporate Greeting Cards
Newsletters, postcards, letters and emails. All ways small business owners communicate with their customers and colleagues. The holiday season always brings up the question: to send a corporate greeting card or not? Common reasons why not? Can’t choose the right card style, the right prescribed message, the right personalized message? Reasons why to; the gesture […]
You just received an email with the subject line: “Project Completed.” You smile, breathe a sigh of relief and move on to your next sales call, pondering to yourself, “What can I outsource next?” This email was from your Virtual Assistant having completed a task you had left on the back-burner far too long. What […]