Business Case Study: Coach + Trainer

What is a Business Case Study?

A: A case study is a piece of content, published by a company, that outlines its success or effectiveness in dealing with a client. It’s commonly used as a piece of marketing content and can be incredibly useful since it helps would-be clients understand how the agency or professional has excelled in the past. (

The client featured in this Business Case Study is Kathy Goughenour, CEO & Founder, Virtual Expert® Success System.

Services provided: Creation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for CEO of a multi-member virtual team facilitating virtual training program for freelancers and virtual assistants. The organization provides continuing education masterclasses for a membership of over 200+ members.


Create Standard Operating Procedures for processes with a focus on operations, onboarding: students and team members, and online software. Timespan: 2/2017-2/2021


SOPs prior to 2/2017 = 0

Under the coordination of Paper Chaser Biz LLC – SOPs as of 2/2021 = Admin, 6; Team 42; Students 25; Communications 61

Total = 134


“Melissa St Clair is a brilliant virtual assistant. She has taken my disorganized business and turned it into a well-oiled machine. She created systems and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) so that my business runs smoothly even when I’m on vacation. I had no idea how to create systems and SOPs, so I turned everything over to Melissa, and with zero instruction, she made it all work like a dream. She also works as [a project manager helping me and my team increase our productivity]. Thank you, Melissa, for all you do to turn my business into a profit-producing machine!” -Kathy Goughenour