Beeline for Business… (Paper) Mail Management

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall Business

As a small business owner have you been busy running your business, know the year-end is fast approaching and you’ve waited ’til now to organize your office? Focus on tackling one area at a time. RealSimple provides this helpful Mail-Organizing Checklist with tactics for managing paper mail.  

Beeline for Business… Portable Career – You Can Take it With You

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall Business

Whether you’re a military spouse experiencing frequent moves, find you’re more productive outside an office with four walls, or simply want a more flexible lifestyle; you may be seeking career opportunities that offer portability. You may opt to start your own virtual-based business or become hired by a company offering portability. Careerists can seek out […]

Beeline for Business…Small Business Owner and Serving Our Country?

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall Business

The US Small Business Administration provides a Veteran’s Small Business Resource Guide titled “Balancing Business and Deployment” that features a Mobilization Preparation Checklist and covers topics from marketing to legal and administrative issues. Happy 223rd Birthday United States Coast Guard! Extending unending thanks to those who have served/are serving in the US Armed Forces!

Beeline for Business… Tasks and Time

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall Business

TASK – definition (Yahoo Dictionary): n. noun A piece of work assigned or done as part of one’s duties. A difficult or tedious undertaking. A function to be performed; an objective. tr.v. To assign a task to or impose a task on. Is your time better spent on revenue-generating business activities such as sales and […]

Beeline for Business… Time Management: Tips to reduce stress and improve productivity. –Mayo Clinic Staff

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall Business

This month I’m staying with the topic of Time Management. In this article, the Mayo Clinic Staff share Time Management: Tips to reduce stress and improve productivity. Article Recap: Effective time management is a primary means to a less stressful life. These practices can help you reduce your stress and reclaim your personal life.

Beeline for Business… Time is our most precious asset, we should invest it wisely. –Michael Levy

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall BusinessVirtual Assistant

Today we are busier than ever and certainly always pressed for time. Multitasking mars our thought processes. How does this impact our productivity? The instructor of my Time Management course utilized Stephen R. Covey’s Time Management Grid as an effective method for organizing priorities. The ideal is to perform work in Covey Quadrant II, “the […]