
Beeline for Business…Love/Hate Relationship

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall BusinessVirtual Assistant

As a small business owner do you have a love/hate relationship with your tasks? Are there some tasks you hate to tackle but love to have completed? Even though your tax status reads “solopreneur,” you don’t have to work alone. Make a commitment to work smarter, not harder; to not work harder, work happier. Don’t […]

Beeline for Business… Tasks and Time

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall Business

TASK – definition (Yahoo Dictionary): n. noun A piece of work assigned or done as part of one’s duties. A difficult or tedious undertaking. A function to be performed; an objective. tr.v. To assign a task to or impose a task on. Is your time better spent on revenue-generating business activities such as sales and […]