This month I’m staying with the topic of Time Management. In this article, the Mayo Clinic Staff share Time Management: Tips to reduce stress and improve productivity. Article Recap: Effective time management is a primary means to a less stressful life. These practices can help you reduce your stress and reclaim your personal life.
Today we are busier than ever and certainly always pressed for time. Multitasking mars our thought processes. How does this impact our productivity? The instructor of my Time Management course utilized Stephen R. Covey’s Time Management Grid as an effective method for organizing priorities. The ideal is to perform work in Covey Quadrant II, “the […]
This event being held Tuesday, May 21, 2013 from 9:30am to 2:30pm at Marston Pavilion aboard MCB Camp Lejeune is for female active duty personnel and military spouses to explore the exciting world of entrepreneurship as your next “tour of duty.” Hear the stories of women veterans who own their own businesses, discover what it […]
Beeline for Business… Follow-up Techniques that Make Sense.
Learn how to turn prospects into customers with these techniques from President of Kerry’s Network, Inc., Kerry Heaps. Follow-up Techniques that Make Sense If a prospect isn’t ready to become a client, follow-up is crucial. If you meet with a prospect and they decided to go a different direction or went with a different company, […]
Happy Administrative Professionals Week – April 21-27 Administrative Professionals Week is celebrated April 21-27 and Administrative Professionals Day on Wednesday, April 24. In tandem, Paper Chaser is celebrating #7 year business anniversary! Make a beeline to Paper Chaser’s official press release here. Administrative Professionals Day® highlights the important role of administrative professionals in all sectors […]
Proud to have a Feature Article in the April 2013 issue of the National Military Spouse Network newsletter, “Added VA-lue: Milspouse business owners discuss adding a Virtual Assistant to their admin team.” Click here for article. Special thanks to Kristen Robinson, Social Media Marketer, KR Design and Tammy Munson, Bravo Tango Tees for contributing real-time testimonies […]
Beeline for Business… Automation – Set it and Forget it!
The scene from I Love Lucy when Lucy and Ethel worked at a chocolate factory and began shoving chocolates into their mouths and uniforms as the candies whizzed by on the conveyor belt popped into my head when I thought about this topic. Automation has been discussed in several conversations with colleagues lately. Business owners […]
Dear SOHO (small office/home office) business owner, I know every day is casual day for the home-based business owner so don’t neglect your professional image when it comes time to leave the office for a meeting or networking event. Being fashion savvy can make an impact on that first impression for any business owner. Don’t […]
“Top 5 Best Applications to Organize Your Files” article by Leiden Johnson highlights organizational tools to support businesses and busy lifestyles. As a Virtual Assistant (VA) it is paramount to have the ability to share data and documents in an easily accessible way for my clients and for me. Dropbox is a popular online storage […]