Sign up to receive free access to this information-rich 1 hour webinar based on Tawnya’s own experience as a Virtual Assistant (VA) for the past 15 years, you will receive the answers to common questions most Virtual Assistants are asking including: WHO is a Virtual Assistant? WHAT services can a VA offer? WHERE do Virtual Assistants […]
Beeline for Business… Not Procrastination…Prioritizing
Posted in: Business Tips, Small Business
Guilty. I’m as guilty as any other solopreneur when it comes to working ON my business. Guilty. I enjoy the work I do for others and tend to leave my own projects on the back burner. I admire my colleagues who are disciplined and dedicate time each week for administrative time of their own by […]
“Top 5 Best Applications to Organize Your Files” article by Leiden Johnson highlights organizational tools to support businesses and busy lifestyles. As a Virtual Assistant (VA) it is paramount to have the ability to share data and documents in an easily accessible way for my clients and for me. Dropbox is a popular online storage […]