small business

Beeline for Business…Small Business Owner and Serving Our Country?

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall Business

The US Small Business Administration provides a Veteran’s Small Business Resource Guide titled “Balancing Business and Deployment” that features a Mobilization Preparation Checklist and covers topics from marketing to legal and administrative issues. Happy 223rd Birthday United States Coast Guard! Extending unending thanks to those who have served/are serving in the US Armed Forces!

Beeline for Business… Article share: Added VA-lue: Milspouse business owners discuss adding a Virtual Assistant to their admin team.

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall Business

Proud to have a Feature Article in the April 2013 issue of the National Military Spouse Network newsletter, “Added VA-lue: Milspouse business owners discuss adding a Virtual Assistant to their admin team.” Click here for article. Special thanks to Kristen Robinson, Social Media Marketer, KR Design and Tammy Munson, Bravo Tango Tees for contributing real-time testimonies […]

Beeline for Business… Automation – Set it and Forget it!

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall Business

The scene from I Love Lucy when Lucy and Ethel worked at a chocolate factory and began shoving chocolates into their mouths and uniforms as the candies whizzed by on the conveyor belt popped into my head when I thought about this topic. Automation has been discussed in several conversations with colleagues lately. Business owners […]

Beeline for Business… Organizational Tools to Support Businesses and Busy Lifestyles

Posted in:  Business TipsSmall BusinessVirtual Assistant

“Top 5 Best Applications to Organize Your Files” article by Leiden Johnson highlights organizational tools to support businesses and busy lifestyles. As a Virtual Assistant (VA) it is paramount to have the ability to share data and documents in an easily accessible way for my clients and for me. Dropbox is a popular online storage […]