Did you know that the Online International Virtual Assistants Convention (OIVAC) launched 13 years ago, in celebration of the International Virtual Assistants Day (IVAD)? It was founded by one of the pillars in the Virtual Assistant industry, Sharon Williams, president of The24HourSecretary, 27 years in the business. Sharon is a very dedicated entrepreneur who had […]
Melissa St. Clair
Melissa St. Clair, owner of Paper Chaser will provide a webinar: “Small Business/Major Operation” as part of the 16th session of the VA Virtuosos Virtual Assistants Online Conference (#VAVS) on Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 3PM PDT, 4PM MDT, 5PM CDT, 6PM EDT. #VAVS stands for Virtual Assistant Virtuoso Seminars. “I am excited to be […]