Beeline for Business … Are you an effective communicator?

“Communication–the human connection–is the key to personal and career success.” –Paul J. Meyer

Today’s small business owner has numerous options to communicate with customers, colleagues and prospects. Social media platforms abound and there are an abundance of in person networking opportunities each day. The question is – are you able to communicate your business’s message derived from your vision and mission in an effective way through all forms of communication? If you work with strategic partners, staff members or independent contractors as part of your sales team, are those individuals able to communicate your message clearly?

June is Effective Communication Month –

  • Take time out to evaluate your elevator pitch.
  • Review the who/what/why/when/where/how for your company.
  • Does the information convey seamlessly across all communication platforms?
  • Is the delivery clear in person and print?
  • Determine if your message remains engaging and resonates with your ideal client.
