Beeline for Business…Are You a List Maker?

Are you a list maker? I know I am.

I make lists of books to read, movies to see, places I’d like to visit, television shows I program on my DVR (should that DVR go haywire and cause me to have to go back through the TV guide and re-set all those recordings). I make lists for groceries, errands and greeting cards to buy.

I still roll ole school with a paper day planner on which track appointments, training, make notes and I create to-do lists for work. I write my to-do list the day prior but review/tweak it based on any new priorities. I have lists for blog topics, newsletter titles/articles as well as checklists for projects and special promotions so I follow through on all the parts to maximize marketing.

Other lists a small business owner might maintain:

  • Expenses
  • Inventory
  • Leads
  • Mailing
  • Mileage
  • Supplies

Here’s a section of an infographic I found on about lists.

infographic section lists lifehack









The article, 4 Productivity-Boosting Lists You Should Make Every Day by Paula Rizzo found on suggests four lists:

1) the night before list

2) the meeting list

3) the follow-up list

4) the on-the-go list

Read the full article here. I know you’ll find it helpful!

“One of the secrets of getting more done is to make a TO DO List every day, keep it visible, and use it as a guide to action as you go through the day.”
-Jean de La Fontaine