Whether operating a small business as a sole proprietor, managing a storefront with numerous staff, or corralling your household, creating and utilizing systems, and processes are paramount to maximum efficiency, planning, and productivity. Automation can streamline steps, save time, and trees. Yes, trees! Otherwise I would have Post-it(R) notes everywhere.
Office automation refers to the varied computer machinery and software used to digitally create, collect, store, manipulate, and relay office information needed for accomplishing basic tasks. (wiki)
My favorite tool is my electronic calendar which syncs with my mobile phone so it can be accessed anywhere. The automation I particularly find life-saving is the ability to schedule recurring tasks. As a Virtual Assistant (VA) working with multiple small business owners each day, the tasks timelines and deadlines vary but for routine, recurring tasks in a few mouse clicks I can create an event that keeps me on track. I use this for my own recurring tasks as well such as, a reminder to reconcile accounts each month.
After not using Asana for a few years, I received training on the platform and because of its features, will be able to utilize to help client workflow, project management, etc. through automated assignments and ticklers.
My colleague, Trish Alegre-Smith, Photography by Trish Alegre-Smith gives props to MailChimp, stating, “MailChimp! My e-mail subscriber list grew by over 400% this year so this allows auto-onboarding without me having to think about it. I also pre-write my seasonal newsletters through it.”
So, while we’re in the throngs of the Dog Days of Summer, do what you can to coast through summer and in the words of American inventor and marketing personality, Ronald M. “Ron” Popeil, “Set it, and forget it!